Herbal Consultation

In order to get you the best results. Every skin condition reuires different combination of herbs at different times. In the early stages of treatment weekly or bi weekly consulations are required. Having frequent consulations allows us to tailor your formula to your specific case to get you the fastest results possible.

Herbal Skin Care

Alot of over the counter skin products slow down or reverse your skins natural healing process. We use products formulated from herbal ingredients known to improve the condition of skin, they are made in small batches, using organic ingredients wherever possible. Our products do not contain artificial colours or preservatives, petrochemical substances or steroids.

By combining interal herbal formulas and herbal skin care you get the fastest recovery possible.


Acupuncture is often used in conjunction with our herbal formulas. It is best used when skin conditions are aggravated by stress. When used correctly acupuncture creates a sense of deep relaxation and peacefulness that adjusts the nervous system and stimulates a healing response



Schedule your consulatation:

Every skin condition is unique. We spend time going through your health history and documenting your skin. Without an accuarte inspection and diagnosis we can't properly prescribe the right herbal formulas.